Last week we celebrated a great milestone.
We reached over 436 days LTI free – that’s over 62 weeks or around 80,000 man hours lost time injury free.
Thank you to Executive Chairman – Werner Raspotnik and Joint Managing Director – Jane Raspotnik, for joining us for a celebratory smoko.
Safety is a team effort and whilst we celebrate this achievement, there is always more to do to make sure our workshop is the safest and most efficient that it can be.
As a tight knit team, we understand that everyone has an individual responsibility and role to play in making sure that everyone makes it home to their loved ones at the end of the work day.

We asked Michael Moloney about what safety means to him and his team in workshop:
“At Sencova, safety of our workforce is a priority and requires a team effort to ensure it is maintained at every level of production.
Building a strong team environment and a culture where every person feels they can speak freely about issues regarding safety or process in production which they regard as important, all this makes achieving milestone LTI free days a reality.
Continual improvement based on workforce feedback, an open door policy to approach management and being informed of the outcomes keeps the culture and attitude around the workshop positive.
Culture is a team effort, it starts at the top and the leaders must lead by example. The workforce are then happy to play their part, and their part is the most important part of the whole process of an ongoing positive safety culture, as they are the ones who are getting their hands dirty, working at the front line, exposed to all the hazards that are an inherent risk in our industry. All the administration and paperwork involved with safety in the workplace is necessary but will never replace a positive team culture, where all the workforce take an active interest in the endeavour to keep each other safe at work.”
— Michael Moloney (Workshop Manager)